-화면제공 : Pat Hemstreet
-미국 콜로라도주 덴버 남서부 (2021. 10. 6)
-엘크 무리 중에 유독 눈에 띄는 한 마리
-목에 두른 검은 것은
-2년 전 처음 발견돼
-4살 반 된 270kg 수컷
-드디어 족쇄 풀렸다
-콜로라도주 야생동물 관리국 직원들이 마취시키고 타이어 제거
-뿔 안 다치게 하려 했으나
-타이어 틈의 쇠붙이 때문에
-뿔 다섯 군데 잘라내
-타이어와 쇠붙이, 잘라낸 뿔 무게가 무려
-타이어에 흙이 가득 차 있었다고
-고생 많았다
-구성 방병삼
## storyline
Wildlife officials in Colorado say an elusive elk that has been wandering the hills with a car tire around its neck for at least two years has finally been freed of the obstruction.
The 4 1/2-year-old, 600-pound (270-kilogram) bull elk was spotted near Pine Junction, southwest of Denver, on Saturday evening and tranquilized, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Officers with the agency had to cut off the elk's five-point antlers to remove the encumbrance because they couldn't slice through the steel in the bead of the tire.
Officers estimated the elk shed about 35 pounds (16 kilograms) with the removal of the tire, the antlers and debris inside the tire.
YTN 방병삼 ([email protected])
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0104_202110141636271802
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[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]